Who: Aaron Gordon, Civil Engineering Student at Clemson University
What: Working as a Project Manager
Where: Haiti
When: January-August 2015
Why: Keep reading to find out for yourself

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Gras a diri, ti woch goute gres

By the grace of rice, little rocks taste good.

On Thursday we finished up the Ba Cange Water System. It took just about all day on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday (plus calibrating it this morning) but I am very pleased with how it looks. While we are still messing with the in-line chlorinator to get it to a decent chlorine level and I am concerned about our filters, the system is adjustable enough that I know we can make it work.

I'm not celebrating my last project quite yet though; the bacteria test isn't quite done yet so I can't confirm that the water is pure. That being said, we are lowering the sediment load in the water and injecting fairly high doses of chlorine so I am not overly concerned.

Above, you can see me checking the inside of the small 125 gallon cistern we mounted on the wall. Coincidently (or not so coincidently) I am also doing the Heisman pose. Anyway, you can see our four-stage filtration system in the bottom right that goes to a chlorinator under the cistern. 

This system will be used by the hundreds of people that live and work in the area of Ba Cange, a community nestled between greater Cange and Lake Peligre. It will be cared for and maintained by our Cange water team and, after some more testing, it should be just as reliable as the larger Cange system. 

Next week I hope to install the solar panel in Morne Michel. Wish me luck!

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